Monday 29 July 2013

Vision of Demonic Army Raiding The Earth

In the wee hours of today (29/07/2013), while on a nap break at work I saw in a dream, I was walking with someone on the road. I can't remember who it really was, but suddenly we saw a military truck which was  completely off the road and approaching our direction. We were walking on the left side of the road and had to run rightwards to escape the truck, otherwise it would have hit and killed us instantly.

As we continued walking, another military vehicle approached from behind and we had to run to the left to dodge it. As we climb a little hill of the road we came to a junction on the left and saw other military vehicles on top speed coming from the road on the left. Then I saw that the vehicles were fully packed with soldiers and it seemed that a war had broke out.

So I perceived indeed a war had broken out and therefore we rushed to the nearest bush on the left to hide. Just as we entered the bush to hide, I noticed footsteps everywhere. What followed was a great shock. I saw dirty, human-like creatures everywhere. They were all naked and very filthy with wild eyes which moved to and fro as if in each for a prey.

We developed a strategy to hold our breath and act dead as a way of not drawing the attention of the dirty creatures. So we held our breath and acted dead. Then one of the creatures which I perceived to be female approached us. It looked at us carefully, intending to figure out if we were really dead. I could not hold my breath any longer so I breathed silently but the creature seemed to have noticed my breath so it held my toe to bite it. I played cool initially but I suddenly happened to have remembered the scripture that says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). So in adherence to that scripture, I resisted and spat out the contamination that seemed to have entered into me from the dirty creature.

While I had this encounter with one of the dirty demon-like creatures, the rest (many of them, probably in thousands) passed on and were everywhere, and seemed to be attacking other humans beings.

I woke up suddenly after resisting the one that was attacking me.

I understand this vision to mean that demons are infiltrating the earth in a grand military style, and this calls for prayer and fasting for ourselves, our families, our friends, the Church of God and the world as a whole. If you are reading this then please fast and pray for yourself, your family, friends, your church, the Church of God, and the any individual or organization that you feel led to pray for. We are victors and conquerors in the mighty name of Jesus, so let's take victory in Jesus' name over any demonic attack.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Open Letter to Ladies Who Think "All Guys are The Same"

Dear Sisters,

It is very regrettable that most of you resent us so much. In spite of this, most of us in most cases do not reciprocate your resentment towards us. Those of us who do this do it for one major reason: whether we like it or not you ladies will always be our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, fiancées and wives and the cycle will continue on and on.

While we may put up with you on many things, one thing most of us can’t stand, which we wish you could change is your rather ‘erroneous’ perception that all guys are the same. I am writing this letter to all the ladies out there and hope to, at the end, prove to you all that all guys are not the same! So let’s get into it.

I've found there are two types of ladies. The first type thinks that all guys are the same. Sadly, I've found that ladies with this ideology hardly find true love because (1) they most often encounter bad guys which reiterate their belief that “all guys are the same.” (2) They never realize it when a good guy comes around and treats him with the same resentment they would treat the bad guys.

I also realize that the perception that all guys are the same is just the symptoms; the real cause of such notion is a history of abuse by men, fathers, uncles, brothers, bad relationships. This is what had created such a bad and sometimes very evil notion about guys in the minds of these ladies.

Many a time, the ladies who have this perception that "all guys are the same" easily become players, moving from one guy to another, and they may also easily fall prey to temptations of lesbianism. So, what often starts as a mere resentment of the male figure could deteriorate into something serious and detestable such as lesbianism and promiscuity.

What can one do if she finds herself in the situation described above? Well, I wish I have a perfect answer, but honestly I don't. So I will just suggest two solutions. The first solution is God. Yes, the reason many women resent men so badly is because they have been hurt in the past and have not healed completely. If you are going to heal completely from the hurts of the past then you are going to need God's help to do that. Jesus Christ came to the earth as a Saviour, but also as a Healer. The scriptures say, "By his stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). So trust God to heal you from all the hurts of the past and pray for grace to approach life with a renewed sense of hope.

The second thing one could do is to stop generalizing. There are millions of men in this world and if indeed you have been hurt by some, the number will be very minute if compared to the average number of men in your country or community. So with all due respect, I think it is unfair to use the misbehaviour of the 'few' men you have encountered as a yardstick to say that all men are the same. Learn to use the legal principle, "every suspect is innocent until proven otherwise". In other words, think of all people to be potentially good until you have cause to doubt their integrity. This will ensure you don't treat good guys badly when they come around.

Now back to the second type of ladies in the world. The second type is those who may have been equally hurt by men in the past, but unlike the first group, these think that most guys are the same but there are still good guys out there. Know the difference: the first group thinks "all guys are the same" but the second group thinks "most guys are the same but there are still good guys out there".

Due to the notion of the second group that there are still good guys out there, they use what I call the "back up plan". That is, they fall in love initially with just one foot forward, study the guy carefully, and if he is good then they then give him their hearts completely.

In life we don't always get what we want, but with wisdom and faith in God, we can conquer every problem and live a joyful life. Issues of the heart have to be dealt with carefully and we will therefore be blessed to follow the command in Proverbs 4:23: "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life"

Tuesday 2 July 2013

What All Gay People Must Know: The Abnormality of Homosexuality

The problem with homosexuality is that it is unnatural. Assume that you have a daughter who's six (6) years old. Now one day upon returning from work you see this young girl in bed having sex with a man of about 20 years. What will be your immediate reaction? Then to make things worse, imagine you asked your daughter about the incidence and she tells you she's attracted to older men. Would you accept such attraction as normal? Please, let's be realistic. The natural order is for someone of one sex to desire another of the opposite sex. Anything short of that is perverted and unnatural.

Many gays also argue that gay sex is just another sin but that's a weak argument. Every wrongdoing is sin but there are sins that lead unto death and those that do not. Homosexuality is not just a sin but also an abomination. It is detestable and abnormal.

In law, there's a clear distinction between what a crime is and what a tort is even though they are both wrongs committed by people. Crimes are considered heavier than torts because they are wrongs against the whole of humanity and not just one person. For example, murder is considered a crime because it is believed that the murderer is a threat to the entire society and not just the victim. Torts on the other hand, are wrongs against individual persons which does not pose a threat to the entire community. It is the same with homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sin like any other wrong but it is an abominable sin. It is unnatural and
should never be encouraged.

Is being gay a choice or not? I believe it is both a choice and also demonic. Being gay is a demonic perversion of the natural order. Now that is the starting point. The individual has to make the choice weather to satisfy his attraction to another of his/her own kind. A preacher once discovered that he's dispositionally gay but because of his love for Christ, he never satisfied his desires by having sex with a man. As a straight and unmarried guy, I have a high inclination every now and then to go find a girl and have sex with her. But that’s fornication and I know better. Sex was designed for marriage and that is how it has to be. Just because I desire to be with a girl does not mean I should go in for one while unmarried.

So the existence of a proclivity is not justification to satisfy it. If this is the case then the world must brace itself for more surprises because the arguments that would be used to attempt to normalize homosexuality would soon be applied to normalize other abnormalities such as sadism, masochism, pedophilia and misogyny just to mention a few.

Please don’t get me wrong; I don't hate gays, I detest the act of homosexuality just as I don't hate criminals but detest the act of crime. As a Christian, I am, per my beliefs, to love everybody. Now, there's BIG difference between accepting people and accepting their abnormal lifestyles. The church is a place for sinners who consider their ways as sinful and therefore seeking redemption, not sinners who are seeking their sins to be accepted as normal behaviour. Any church that accepts homosexuality as being normal is not worthy of being called a Christian Church because being gay and being a Christian are so divergent that they can never meet. God bless you!

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