Should we Christians follow our heart and do what it tells us to do. Some people give the whole concept a nice coat. They say, “The heart knows best.” Oh really? Can we trust our heart with our lives? What does the Bible say about this?

God had made it very clear to us. We must not follow our hearts because the heart is deceitful. Many of the decisions we take with our hearts end in ruins. Marriages are breaking down, relationships are coming to a halt and businesses are collapsing all because the people involved listen to the voice of their hearts and followed it. Following our hearts will lead us nowhere than disappointment, regrets and shame. On the contrary, when we lead our heart we can be certain of a happy ending to the journey.
Dear reader, decide today to always lead your heart in everything you do. Don’t allow your heart to dictate anything to you, but use your mind to assess the choices of the heart and make sure you’re in full control of your life. Thanks for reading, kindly leave your comments below.