How The Devil Went on an Evangelism Mission with One Famous Preacher
undefined Comments - 15 Aug 2013
As incredulous as it may sound, this story is actually true. Indeed, the devil went on a soul-winning mission with one famous preacher known in almost all Christian circles. The good news however, is that the preacher in question is not a false preacher but a good one. “How do you know? You may ask. Well, we will find out together. Keep reading…...

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undefined Comments - 29 Jul 2013
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Tuesday, 20 September 2011

True Story: Did Katy Perry Sold Her Soul To The Devil?

In her book ‘He Came To Set The Captives Free’, Rebecca Brown talked about how some music stars, movie stars and other celebrities sell their soul to the devil (satan) for money and fame. In  the book Elaine, an ex-satan worshipper and top bride of satan who is now in Christ, told a sad story of how as a high priestess of satan, she would go to recording studios and add satanic blessings to CD albums of artists who have sold their soul to the devil. The book also brings to light the fact that demons sometimes participate in the composition of songs and in some cases actually sing portions of the songs of these artists.

Sadly, many people do not believe stories like these. This is however no surprise because the Bible had said:
But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
                                                          ­­­– 2 Corinthians 4:3-4.

Born to evangelical ministers, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (that’s her real name, but now known as Katy Perry) had a good Christian upbringing. Katy Perry’s parents, like all good parents, wanted the best for their child. They did their best to bring her up in the fear of the LORD. It is often said that you could force the horse to the river but you can’t force it to drink the water. As much as Katy Perry’s parents wanted the best for her, they also did their best not to seem like their forcing their belief and ideas on her.
Although Jesus loved the world and gave his life for it (John 3:16), He would not force people to believe in Him. We all have our will and conscience. Katy Perry’s parents desired the best for her but things turned out differently when she willingly walked away from the love of God. She turned her back on Jesus. 

Katy Perry told Cosmopolitan that she left Christianity when she felt sex shouldn’t wait until marriage. “I was like, I don’t know if I can hold that promise because this guy at camp is really cute,” she said. “Today, Katy Perry is married to former sex addict Russell Brand and dances around a Candyland gameboard dressed like Bettie Page shooting whipped cream out of her tits. Millions of little girls love her,” Joseph Allen of Taki Mag observed.

Update: Perry and Brand's marriage had hit the rocks. Russell Brand filed for divorce in December 2011 and final divorce papers were recently filed. Brand is believed to have refused spousal support from his soon to be ex-wife. "The British comedian refused to pursue 50 percent of Perry's estimated $40 million fortune to which he was legally entitled," The ChristianPost reported.

As mentioned earlier, Katy Perry had a good Christian upbringing. Her parents were ministers of the gospel, and she claimed she was not allowed to use the word ‘lucky’ because it’s like lucifer. What’s more? She even started her music career with a gospel album. Her first album was signed to Christian music label Red Hill and she sang and performed as Katy Hudson. But like all other stars and celebrities believed to have sold their soul to the devil, Katy Perry ended up walking away from the grace and love of Christ  in pursuit of fame.

Here's a video we believe is Katy Perry talking about the selling of her soul to the devil.

Another video(suspected to be a voice-over from the first), portrayed Katy Perry believed to be giving a creepy advice to a fan who asked for the secret to her success story.

Both videos were taken from Youtube and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. This article is not in any way intended to attack the name of Perry,  or her person, but rather to get as many Christians as possible to pray for her. It is my prayer that God will call her back home to enjoy the peace and love she had once enjoyed under the grace of God.

Money is not everything, but Christ is. The scripture says, "... what shall profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul" - Mark 8:36.

Update 2: We have read the comments from some of our readers on this article and other articles on our site, and we wish to reiterate our position on this matter. For a fact we believe some celebrities have soled their soul to the devil. Dr. Rebecca Brown talked much about this in her book and other authors and even some ex-satanists have attested to this fact. However, we wish to let our readers know that we are truth seekers like them, and this article is the result of what we gathered when we sought to investigate this issue. As such, our aim is not to judge Katy Perry or attack her person, but instead to present our findings to our readers (majority of which we believe are Christians), so that with one voice and one mind we can intercede on behalf of Perry that God should deliver her and and bring her back to enjoy His warmth and love which she might have once enjoyed as a child. We cordially ask that every Christian reading this article should say a word of prayer to God on Katy Perry's behalf before leaving this page. Thank you and God bless you! (This update was added: 22/8/2012).

Anyone looking for more information about celebrities selling their soul to the devil for fame and money should read Rebecca Brown's book: He Came To Set The Captives Free. The following related articles also offers some truths you may need.

Related Articles:
The Truth about Beyonce Becoming Sasha Fierce
The Deception in Jay z's "Forever Young" Song Lyrics
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What The Bible Says about Hiphop and Secular Music
Why Christians Should not Listen to Secular Music

This site did not create or own the videos used in this post. The two videos were taken from As such, this Site do not guarantee the accuracy or fact of the videos. Therefore you use them at your own pleasure. We are of the believe that (although it may not be publicly known), some celebrities have sold their souls to satan for fame and money.

This post is the fourth in our series of posts bringing to light the satanism, rebellion and deceptions portrayed by the world’s satan-ruled music and entertainment industry. Click here for the complete list of posts, including posts on what the Bible says about hip pop and secular music. You may also find more information in Rebecca Brown’s book: He Came To Set The Captives Free.
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