Vision of Demonic Army Raiding The Earth
undefined Comments - 29 Jul 2013
In the wee hours of today (29/07/2013), while on a nap break at work I saw in a dream, I was walking with someone on the road. I can't remember who it really was, but suddenly we saw a military truck which was  completely off the road and approaching our direction. We were walking on the left side of the road and had to run rightw...

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Monday, 29 July 2013

Vision of Demonic Army Raiding The Earth

In the wee hours of today (29/07/2013), while on a nap break at work I saw in a dream, I was walking with someone on the road. I can't re

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Open Letter to Ladies Who Think "All Guys are The Same"

Dear Sisters, It is very regrettable that most of you resent us so much. In spite of this, most of us in most cases do not reciprocate

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

What All Gay People Must Know: The Abnormality of Homosexuality

The problem with homosexuality is that it is unnatural. Assume that you have a daughter who's six (6) years old. Now one day upon returni

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