Vision of Demonic Army Raiding The Earth
undefined Comments - 29 Jul 2013
In the wee hours of today (29/07/2013), while on a nap break at work I saw in a dream, I was walking with someone on the road. I can't remember who it really was, but suddenly we saw a military truck which was  completely off the road and approaching our direction. We were walking on the left side of the road and had to run rightw...

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Monday, 19 December 2011

Family-friendly Movies For Christmas!

Christmas and other occasional events like Easter, Thanksgiving, and Valentine’s Day are all characterized by the coming together of family and friends, colleagues, and old school mates and classmates, to have fun, share, and celebrate the joys of each other. However, the gathering could be very boring in the absence of something that can bring joint fun.

During holidays, most people resort to movies as a great source of entertainment. But in a world where obscenity is becoming as popular as President Obama, parents are becoming more and more cautious about the kind of movies their families are exposed to. The following family-friendly movies are perfect for the holidays. They are safe to watch and also full of fun and thoughtful lessons.

My Top 7 Family-friendly movies

1.               1.The Encounter
The desire to save a lost soul at all cost caused Jesus to move Heaven and Earth to become a Waiter at a diner known in the film as LAST CHANCE DINER. But after the lost soul arrogantly rejected His(Jesus’) offer of salvation after all persuasions, others in the diner stand to benefit in the most greatest form; both in the form of more food, as well as eternal life. This fulfills the scripture at John 1:11-12 which says, “He[Jesus] came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” You will surely encounter Jesus as you watch the movie The Encounter. Buy it from Amazon.

2.     It is a Wonderful Life
It’s Christmas in a snowy western US town, but George Bailey (a resident of the town) is thinking of taking his own life to avoid a possible jail sentence after one of his workers misplaced huge sum of money belonging to his company. Minutes before his suicidal thought could materialize; he encounters an angel and confesses to him that he wished he was never born. Following, we see the angel showing George Bailey what the world would have been like without him. As it turned out, the world is better off with him than without him. The lesson is, never say you wish you were not born, because your own life touches a million others. Example, you were born to become somebody's daughter/son, wife/husband, sister/brother, friend, colleague, etc. and all these people's lives wouldn't have been the same without you. It's A Wonderful Life is a great movie.

3.     Flywheel
It is obvious that being a Christian goes a lot beyond just going to Church on Sundays. How do you ‘be-a-Christian’ in your business? In Flywheel, the husband of a devoted Christian woman dupes his customers by overcharging them for cars bought. But thanks to his loving wife (a true Proverb 31 woman) who was very supportive spiritually. Her husband suddenly repents from cheating his customers, and like Zacheus, returned money to every customer he had ever cheated. His good behaviour is rewarded when a secret study of a television network finds that he is the only vendor selling cars at the right price. Buy Flywheel from Amazon.

4.     To Save A Life
After his best friend takes his own life, Jake Taylor (RANDY WAYNE) is torn between becoming the basketball ball star his dad wants him to be and becoming a life saver by ensuring that no other student take their own life. He is for the latter and finds a man of God who wants to help him achieve that. He became a Christian and seemed to be doing well with the church. Then his past life starts to haunt him. He learns that his girlfriend is pregnant. All his relationships (with his parents, girlfriend, as well as the church) start to deteriorate. Nonetheless, there’s hope for the future, because if God be for us, who can be against us? Buy To Save a Life now!

5.     The Freedom Writers
It’s always said and believed that “Behind every successful man there is a woman supporting him.” Well, is it true for the ladies too? I mean, can we say that, “Behind every successful woman there is a man supporting him?” The Freedom Writers movie has the answer. In the film, a woman is divided between becoming a good teacher to troubled high school students and becoming a good wife to her husband.  The man appeared supportive initially, but as she made remarkable gains at school, her marriage paid for it dearly. The good news came when she changed history because for the first time in history many of her class students made it to graduation.  You surely will enjoy this movie. Get Freedom Writers!

6.     In The Blink of An Eye
This movie is about the rapture of the Church of God. It starts with a police officer and his friend saving a kidnapped lady. The lady’s boyfriend offers them an all-expense-paid cruise trip on a ship. The two officers with their wives together with the lady and her boyfriend set off for their trip. The officer’s wife, his colleague and his wife, are all born-again Christians, but he is not. On the ship he receives series of visions in which his wife, his friend, and his friend’s wife get raptured but he is left behind. He finally became born again and tried to save his boss but there isn't much time for the real rapture to occur. Buy this movie from Amazon!

7.     Letters to God
If you were a postman where would you send letters that have been addressed to God? That’s the kind of problem that one postman had to deal with in this amazing movie. The film tells the story of a little boy who despite having been stricken with a severe cancer, still had such an amazingly strong faith in God. He would write letters about anything; his feelings, family, friends, and even about his sickness, and would address them to God. Then he will hand it over to the postman when he comes. Did God reply his letters? The movie has the full story. Get it from Amazon!

Do you know of other family-friendly movies? Add them in the comment section below.
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