How The Devil Went on an Evangelism Mission with One Famous Preacher
undefined Comments - 15 Aug 2013
As incredulous as it may sound, this story is actually true. Indeed, the devil went on a soul-winning mission with one famous preacher known in almost all Christian circles. The good news however, is that the preacher in question is not a false preacher but a good one. “How do you know? You may ask. Well, we will find out together. Keep reading…...

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Vision of Demonic Army Raiding The Earth
undefined Comments - 29 Jul 2013
In the wee hours of today (29/07/2013), while on a nap break at work I saw in a dream, I was walking with someone on the road. I can't remember who it really was, but suddenly we saw a military truck which was  completely off the road and approaching our direction. We were walking on the left side of the road and had to run rightw...

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Monday, 27 June 2011

The Fight for Human Rights and Equal Rights

When it comes to Human rights or rights in general, everybody wants to enjoy theirs to the fullest with no restriction or denial whatsoever

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Discover and Enjoy God’s Power of Provision

“And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: b

Saturday, 11 June 2011

How To Overcome Sexual Temptations And Stay Sexually Pure Until Marriage

One day, a young Christian brother visited his beloved fiancée at home. As this young brother was sitting in the living room, his fiancée p

Friday, 3 June 2011

Lead Your Heart Don't Follow It

“Follow your heart. Do what your heart tells you to do.” This was the advice a friend gave to one of my female friends who was caught up be

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